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Found 48 results for any of the keywords of dillingen. Time 0.007 seconds.
From our History - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenChronicle of Significant Events in the History of the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen
Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen - Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen-WhoThe Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen are an international community. In the U.S., we serve in eastern North Dakota.
Horarium - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenOur schedules do vary from convent to convent, but the following our key elements of our daily life as Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen in the US:
Meet Sister... - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenHere, we feature different Sisters from our community, who briefly share about their lives.
Psalm of God's Providence - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenPoem by Sr. Patricia Forrest, 1978
Retreats / Spiritual Direction - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenFranciscan Retreat Center, Spiritual Direction
Community Life - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenOur religious life is essentially a life of community. We know that attainment of a living spiritual community, with Christ as the center, must be rooted in the Holy Spirit.
Community Life - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenOur religious life is essentially a life of community. We know that attainment of a living spiritual community, with Christ as the center, must be rooted in the Holy Spirit.
Stages of Formation - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenA young woman (at least 18 years of age) who believes God is calling her to our community and desires to dedicate her life to Him as a Sister, may ask to become a postulant. The postulancy is a time...
Vocations Events - Franciscan Sisters of DillingenEvents to help you explore your vocation
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